$40.00 AUD

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Lose the nap-shackles.

Spending all day patting and shushing in a darkened room?


Scared you're doing it all wrong; that your baby isn't getting enough sleep? That they will never learn to sleep independently if you don't teach them?


Shift from stressed and obsessed with your baby or child’s sleep, to feeling confident and flexible with this 60 min interactive workshop.


Through reflective exercises, myth busting and science-backed evidence to support your intuition, you will walk away feeling completely free from your unhelpful thoughts and feelings, or worries about sleep.


There's SO much more to your child than how he or she sleeps!

Time to draw the curtains and let the light in.


Here's how it will all shake out.

  • Join the 60 min workshop live, or watch the replay in your own time.
  • Download the workbook and additional materials. 
  • Do the reflective exercises - they'll make a big difference!
  • Enjoy the sunshine once again without having to stress about being in a dark room by 10:23 for a nap of minimum 2 hours with approx 1.5 of those hours spent with your arm awkwardly between the cot bars patting the mattress like a lunatic..


Don't worry if you can't make it live: the replay will be available to you for 90 days!


See you there, Mama.