Ep 15: Honest Chats: Rachael Shepard-Ohta (Hey Sleepy Baby) and Mariana Castaman on where we are going so wrong with sleep

Season #1

Grab a cuppa and join us for our honest chat about all the things we have a problem with in the mainstream sleep industry. We chat about: - Rach and Mariana's personal experiences with sleep training - How sleep programs win us over with 'gentle' then end up being not so - The unnecessary divide between sleep training vs. not sleep training and how much room there is in between - When 'trust your intuition' feels overwhelming and impossible - how trial and error can help us to find our confidence - How Rachael plans to approach sleep with her third baby Rachael: @heysleepybaby Mariana: @marianacastaman We have so much more to talk about - join us for Part Two, soon!